Saturday, February 16, 2013


my car died.
i was stalled for 2 hours
and yet, there you were.
the work of a cosmic conspiracy.
a higher form of magick that is beyond me.

and i hesitate for a moment
before i walk into the co-creation dream.
im always unsure.
we're both always shook.
our wills, they have a mind of their own.
we manifest one another
but nothing ever changes. 
we still can't face each other.

our conscious is chaotic.
you are my desire and fear incarnate.
my dream and my shadow.
i'm getting to know you on a different level.
you're closer to me than ever
pretending to be strangers.
it sometimes makes it difficult,
remembering time and space.
a tantric dance fueled by the same but opposite natures-
learning the virtues of patience and strength;
the meaning of true love.
it's a passion that creates gammas;
that look in your eyes.
i want to jump in there and kiss you,
let the stars read our story.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


yesterday's memories wash ashore like today's dreams on a harbor.
they crash unto my being like hard slaps;
waves of reality
move me at the core.
penetrating my soul
like an astral projection.
i see you're really good at that.

countdown from ten.
still hypnotized,
floating above the waters.
i see where the ocean meets the sun;
where the sun meets the land.
it was sundown and the sky was pink.

do you remember?
remember the time we got married?
you gave me away to yourself in a dream we both had.
we woke up happy.

i casted you out to sea for that pearl in your eyes.
it's lost somewhere between the depths and the skies.
it's got my promise on it.
your promise is my veil,
recalling your love like an echo around my finger.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

this, mirror

I never knew you can learn so much from a single person... it happens when you invest everything in them. They wear a charming mask for you; one that's easy to fall in love with...convinces you of his infinite love, and vows to marry you. You love that mask because it makes you laugh and it promises you the world, but eventually, it comes off, and whats behind it is an unshakable fear, and this fear moves you because you see it for what it is, but it's so ugly, he can't even look at himself and gradually, he remembers why he hates his own reflection. It tears you up inside that they had this within all along, and you keep taking them back because they shook your whole foundation, and they made you question love and tested your faith, even made you cry as if mourning which is significant to you. And they say they're changing.. they say they're working it out, and you believe it because you never wanted to see them as anything less than perfect, because you made a pact in each others eyes that all the love you feel together, no matter how dysfunctional, is perfect.

I trained myself just before meeting him that ugliness is beauty and there is no light without darkness.. so I accepted him for who he is, naturally and effortlessly and hoped he'd do the same for me. Unconditionally, is how I loved. Every broken piece of him became my own until I realized he left me shattered... and that is when you realize there's no one there but yourself and it's your own betrayal you manifested.. It was your own conditioning regarding love and beauty that failed you, that failed me. A loss due to the fear of losing each other. And Pain... that sad, decrepit catalyst I adopted as my baby, was our own consensual creation; showing me I know nothing, teaching me how not to be, and reminding me just how human I really am.. and I am thankful for it.

The Golden Egg.

 Life experience:
I climbed into the Golden Egg to get a grasp of how it feels inside. I almost lost myself in there.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

No one ever knows anyone

..its effects are going away now...

happy dopamine.
serotonin loves me
with a blindfold on.
ecstasy in my arms
is the surface of things.
kama sutra with potential
only i see.
you think you know me
because i wear clothes
and listen to music.
but i am in skin.
inside my chest-
is more passion than anything
you've ever known.
there's a stranger beating, tearing down
your affair with my persona.
you're on a comfortable high.

it's an overload
of new memories and never ending futures.
worlds that don't exist
and eyes purer than virginity itself.
a chastity belt around your most deepest thoughts;
we have the same taste in movies.
a mother-father god and Nietzsche's no need for relationship
are my pillow.
it will save me from things harder to let go of
than the grip keeping me from falling 20 stories high.
i'm coming down now, on my own
before i meet the ground faster than i met you.
you're welcome to join me
in a bed deep inside her
penetrating within her
my soul wants the core.
if we make it,
we will be what we once were
without the expectations of the drug,
without pretending like we know each other.
it'll give us the chance to do so.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

it sucks to be human

i wanted.
that was my first mistake.
to feel human;
to get caught up in the world
and be vulnerable.
to love like ive never loved before
and feel that love in return.
just before it got ugly
just before you got ugly.
now that ugliness consumes
because its part of the universal balance of things.
eating away at our very cores.
eating away at our everything.
there is only Nothing.
its a cruel joke,
the nature of things.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Monday, December 5, 2011


Friday, November 18, 2011

i met a beast

count down from 10.
stared into the corner of dawn.
i see
a beautiful beast
like unmoved water.
i want to touch it
to find a moving stillness
of everything that surrounds me.
i feel more life than ever
in this half asleep dream.

i get closer,
to understand what it is i'm seeing
but it's all changed.
your once majestic face
expands like a frilled neck lizard
snapping, with claws for teeth.
chirps of furious insecurities,
shaking, like a boy in puberty.
vomiting your inner ugliness
like rays of the sun-
shining on me, shining on you,
exposing what you are...
brilliant hate
embodied as my love.
so lets compromise, indeed.
not about substance,
but about your place in my heart.
ill give anything to get you out.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

there's a ghost at my door i recognize. she's got my life in her hands.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

lack as inspiration

i never faked it.
the universe just responded faster to my sincerity
than you or i could have ever done.
of all the things we have in common,
we both know
pain makes for the prettiest music.
tragic poetry like mine.
it's all a novel,
that tears your heart up.
feeding on imaginary sorrows,
missing that kind of love.

i send thank you notes to the skies because im happy.
but i also can't write because of it.
you sing about a loss that's inspired you.
i only know how to do the same.
to myself, at least,
only comes from longing.
true love makes me disappear,
but pain brings me closer.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

vague poem

gonna write a vague poem
to tie around my finger.
a secret meal.
like a one time birthday wish.

a distance that tears me apart.
there, i saw a vow in your eyes.
it meant more to me than
words drizzled in honey.
but illusion brought me more
than you've ever said to me.

so i dance with the thought of something.
even if it's not you...
rather than complimenting a longing
that only you can endure.

i got tired of being a masochist.
wary of waiting for the sun.
my nature is to love and love, fully.
it's torture to pretend that it's not.

so give me something
because i can't keep it locked.
it's a black box
full of dreams and passionate song.

i took a sledge hammer to pry it open
took a peak of its' beauty
to write you.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Talking Baby Mushrooms

I am the mushroom. Living, growing, breathing, speaking my own tongue. Living a life span within seconds. Sharing the universe and the infinite experience with everything that surrounds me.

Salvia changed my life.

copyright 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

your eyes are a well

no matter how much you try
to fool me, fool you-
your eyes give it away.
they sing -
tiny daggers through my heart 
from all their beauty
and all their pain. joy. slasher massacre.-
reminding me of how awesome it is
to feel that again;
no more violence for dreams,
your presence disarms me.
your song,
like creeping death at the bottom of a wishing well-
found its way to me
just before your last breath.
just before my last ...

Monday, June 20, 2011

empty lover

find something to fuck.
preferable if it walks.
physically, if i get my way.
a hole or two i can stick my pain through.
makes me feel wanted;
cared for by a dirty slut-
with a fetish for my uncontrollable cock.
i use it to try and find myself, again.
i become a tongue that swallows you whole,
like an ouroborus,
so you can be inside me
and i will carry you around every where i go
like a memory that never happened.

i see pussy.
i'm a titty fucking giant in a room full of lesbians.
don't forget my piss in your mouth, doll.

it's not tourettes.
it's a rainbow full of emptiness.
a facade of being a lover when you're not.
you've convinced yourself love isn't what you want.

so dig deep into whatever passion pit you find
to try and fill that hole inside
where a rotting carcass of who you once were slowly dies.
space. void. null. nothing.
you say nothing.
there is no abyss in your eyes,
just the confusion of someone who isn't sure
about what they believe anymore.
it's your own vulnerability you're afraid of;
the reason why you're a slut,
the reason why i'm a prude.

you just may have found yourself.

LVF © 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Have You Ever Had A Dream Like This?

""Have You Ever Had A Dream Like This?" was inspired by a little boy with a red shirt on Youtube, who tried his hardest to express that we can truly do anything. The stress and strain to convey such a positive message makes for perfect irony. Remixing and rebuilding a friend's latest track, I added the message, and brought out a covert sexuality in the sound that wasn't there before. The result is the score and the backbone of the film. Tasteful, mesmerizing visuals captivate and accentuate a good thrust. I find that as a female artist, I am drawn to express the power and influence of homoeroticism and fondness for sensuality in my art, often with a hint of humour and inner disturbance."

LVF © 2011

Download CULTURE PROPHET'S original track, here// 

Monday, June 6, 2011

sailing away

...with rose petals.

Photos of a more private nature.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

raw indulgence

Untethered prudence,
rays of fire from your eyes.
tuned into your wonderment,
you find me there.
a holy garden of sensual projection.
ritualistic spontaneity.
transcendental emporium.
sweet fruit and grape vines from Babalon.
I ride the scarlet beast.
you're intoxicated by her motions-
a communion only christ could speak of.
an offering always kept secret.
I dance for you in a room full of banshees.
no one there
but you and I
in the spotlight of each others attraction.
chemicals released to the sound of a tribal drum.
a rite of passage.
the coming of age for a young man who wants to know what it feels like
to be with a woman.
I wear my most primal state with bangles around my collar,
extending my neck like the queens of Padaung
accentuating my beauty like the song of a wild heart,
open and willing to accept you like the wind that takes my body
softly, slowly-
back to the heavens,
where it wishes to stay
as your muse.

LVF © 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011


LVF © 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Friday, May 6, 2011

karmic lover

your lips are perfect-
warm, touch feeling
sensuality all over.
love that you're just like me.
guy version,
but tall.
you wrote my name on your tongue.
tattooed my heart on your sleeve.
gave each other something to smile about
before heading back home to our wives.

i once had a husband.
i know how it feels to be
oh, so comfortable...
resisting change
when change is everything.
passion filled whirlwind of emotion
stirring up your space inside.
you smirk because you're happy.
i know because i'm happiest with you.
be stronger than i was.
be honest with yourself.
go for what you want.
because i couldn't do it
before you.
bits and pieces of your heart
are mine,
every once in a while,
making mine pound
like a hailstorm when you're gone.
jumping out of my mouth when you're around.
i'll leave it there if i have to-
hang it on the wall
pollinating lust for life.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

and just when i was beginning to believe we were made for each other, you had to be cruel.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

torture love

your cave gray eyes
fell outward.
your ears bled
and mouth spewed
a demon in the dark.
man, angry, hateful demon.
a regurgitation
of my hidden fears and
deepest desire.
how you lost me to you.

he resists.
binding to denial.
i sing to your delusions
and they hurt.
a requiem of peace
from the part of me
that wants to be free
from you.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

to my other

i birthed you somehow
in this world, we came to be
one soul
facing each other in a divided screen.
you seem unaware
of the blueprint you speak.
the thoughts in your mind
that haunt you in sleep.
the stars that guide you
back to yourself.
the love you long for,
once held.
she showers in rose petals,
waiting for the day
you remember a promise
that shatters the physical,
time and space
and all imaginary distance
we've created in our sick,
sick minds.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

date night

romancing my pain.
take it out on a date.
feeding it daisies because roses are too expensive.
stroking it pleasure
with the saddest song i know.
it's all i've ever known.
it's all i've ever been.
teach me different.
to love myself-
by flying a kite
all the way up to heaven
with my name on it.
to show me there's a chance i can still make it.

Monday, February 14, 2011

eating our creation

Stir it all up
alpha-bet soup universe.
boiling beauty before it dies.
slowly simmering at the perfect temperature
long enough to melt the letters.

Dropped my own eye in the mixture
for clarity and heart.
add a taste of my own being
to understand what it is i'm eating.

Manna from heaven.
All of nature in a bowl.
penciled in the weather
to make sure you come home.

Sweet fragrance lingers
like a ghost that's always there.
Awaken that hunger,
for synchronized truth.
Love like air,
when you don't have enough to breathe
but are satisfied with that smell.

Sitting at the table,
you out at war,
a candle on the left
and a candle on the right.
we eat our creation
to end our starvation.
a romantic dinner of hope and pain.
Tears in our cups to sprinkle as salt
for all the wisdom we've gained.

Welcome Aletheia.
devour our brood.
I drink her wine till my cup is cleansed again.
That will be the day we make something new again.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Merciful Fate

I reach out, feel space.
Lost a star to infinity.
Resurrect an Egyptian boy
Who meets me in dreams.
Embody the overwhelming.
Haunting face; desire,
That gives me inspiration
and takes it away by the hour.

Love affair with a memory
Sinking heart skips a beat.
Electrifies my body.
Melts it from the purity.
Change is consuming.
Live to relive that moment.
Untouched, resisting.
Like the passion of gods when they kiss.

Eyes lock.
No glare, read my soul.
We have a match,
So set it on fire
and watch it burn.
Serenade what once was
Everlasting everything.

Place it on the mound-
To sacrifice self-sacrifice
Heal that brutal distance
as I sun-bathe in steam.
Like an ultimate death
when fate is merciful,
Piercing our everyday truth.
A holy mountain of secret worship.

Built it up like a temple
but the sun died in the West.
Like an altar without a god.
or the Mona Lisa kept in a vault.
Collapsing in on itself
is the newborn child.
Breastfeeding my lament.
Wearing a halo as a martyr.
Stroking it is the Mother.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

This is what it looks like when hearts explode.

 'Moved by Pandemonium' by KIDS TV SHOW.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Venus woman

Walk to the sound of your own slapping cunt
Flapping about like roaring hands ready to applaud for anything.
Oozing your pornography like a marriage vow.
You exist to procreate wet dreams.

Ready Venus woman
loves like a price reduction-
cheap and desperate to go home with you.
Like wine sold out of a box.

I watch you like the twisted voyeur you seek.
Get it out of me when I feel sick.
Finger my anger.
Braid it once in a while.

Manipulation is your best friend.
Seduction, your spoon.
Lies like bat droppings when feasting on berries.
Sincerity like a cloud.

A closet of competition.
Best hump to the finish line.
Lollipops are for winners
in nurses uniforms.

Obey your sex.
Fake tear gallery.
Fucking the camera
for whatever you can sow.

Love like lullabies
is foreign
because of her.
She likes being objectified.

Venus calls it on the phone.
Labels it woman.
Says it's femininity
When it's really just survival.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pleasant Hues

                   Work by Sienna Star
                                    4 Years

Saturday, January 15, 2011